Amanda Bossard net worth

Amanda Bossard, fresh out from Anchorage High School in the year 1992, started studying marine biology in 1992. Bossard's professional career started in 1999 with a job aboard the F/V Sunset. This 65 foot vessel, which was a halibut fishing vessel, was transformed to a salmon tender by Murat Ariatn, who has been fishing commercially for over twenty years. Bossard got married to Aritan in 1999. The couple have teamed up to defend their businesses. They're both supporters of conservatism and sustainable renewable resource management. Otolith is a direct wholesale seafood company, was established in the year 2007 by Bella Bossard (age 3), Andre Bossard (1 year old) and the Bossard's mother. Bossard had returned to Philadelphia following the birth of two children. In 2007, Bossard a mother of two children Bella, age 3, and Andre 1. She returned to Philadelphia from her home in Canada, opened Otolith as a wholesale direct market seafood distributor. As of July 2016 Bossard and her daughter Isabella aged 12 and son Andre age 10 return to Southeast Alaska annually each summer as deckhands during the wild salmon harvest in summer. In the course of two months, Bossard and Isabella utilize hooks and lines to hunt for their target salmon. Aritan will then sell their seafood for processing locally. Amanda Bossard works as an Anchor/MMJ in News 12 Brooklyn and News 12 Bronx. She is with the station since November 2015. She's passionate about sharing positive things in the boroughs she covers and telling stories that have impact.

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